Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The last hoorah

The end is here....wow this was a quick 10 weeks! I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving and your christmas and new year is even better. I am sure we have all grown in many different ways. I have really enjoyed the calls and interacting with you all. I wish everyone much success in your future endeavors.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

I can not believe that we are almost to the time, where love one get together and give thanks. I have so much to be thankful for this year. Although it has been a rough year for me I have triumph against all battles that I have encountered. I am so blessed, I have a loving family, 2 beautiful children and great friends. I have learned so much about friendship, love and most importantly myself. I have come so far and have a ways to go but I am moving in the right direction and I believe that if I keep my focus and the positive energy around skies the limit to where I can go.

So what is everyone's plans for the holidays? I am excited my mother is hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year, and this is her first time doing this ever, I believe. My aunts, uncles and grandmother will be joining us. I hate that my brother and sister are not able to make it because it would be complete!!! I miss them both so much!!! But nevertheless we are going to have a great time I am sure. My birthday is in 2 weeks and I am so excited about that as well. Not that I do much but it a day that I celebrate another year that the Lord has bless me too see!!

I hope everyone has a great holiday and rest of the year. We are fastly approaching the beginning of a new decade. Wow it almost 2011!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I don't know about anyone else but I am super STRESS. Its the end of the year and I have so much that I have to get done. I can not believe that it is the end of the year already the year of 2010 has flown by. And now we are about to enter a new decade. WOW!!! Thanksgiving is next week can you believe!!! I can't, it like Im not really excited about the holidays like I usually am, I have not started any christmas shopping. My birthday is in 23 days and Im not really excited about that either. I am really just ready to get through this class with a grade no longer than a B. That is my goal that I am praying to GOD that I can achieve, but I swear I absolutely HATE writing!!! But gotta do what I gotta do!!

Busy life of being a single parent

These past couple of weeks have been very draining for me. My son had an asthma attack and as developed pneumonia. I was so scared, I had never seen him that sick before. Now my son has suffered with asthma since he was a baby but he had never had an attack that serious. It was even more so hard because I am a single parent. Now while my children's father is apart of there lives I use the word "apart" very loosenly, meaning that he is not there as he should be. I have great support from my parents and a two best friends but it still very hard raising children alone. I was so well still am very stressed with trying to make up homework and of course making up hours that I miss because I still have to support my family finanically. I realize that I really need a break but I have to keep pushing because failure is not an option. I pray that GOD will see me through this term successfully!!! WOOOO SAHHHHH

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Do you ever think that you are really ready for love? I mean really love, unconditional love? I often hear people saying that there ready to fall in love, or even that they are in love but sometimes there actions do not say the same. I thought I was "in love" once, well for 10 years but over this past year I have realized that I was not "in love" at all, but rather "in love" with what I wanted that person in my life to be, but they were not. Its amazing cause people often say that if you stay with someone long enough you grow to love them, but I would say you just learn to tolerate them......

I am not on a quest to find love but rather for it to find me, or maybe it already has.....time will tell!

Research Paper

Hey guys,

I have been really stressing over this research paper lately. Writing is not my thing, I am more so of a verbal person. But I can see improvement in my writing. Generally when I am writing, not school work, it free writing just simply writing down my feelings, or a to-do list things like that. I hope everyone is coming along well with there writing assignment!

Monday, October 18, 2010


I know on last week I had a story about friendship and a few days ago I recieved an email from a friend that I went through a great with. Well even though I am only 27 I have endured a lot in my life. When I was 15 years old I was involved in a car accident where I almost lost my life. Myself and four other friends (which I use that word loosely) left campus during the lunch hour, even though all but one was suppose too. Needless to say we got about mile and half away from the school and was broadsided (as I was told, have no recollection of that day) and that was when my life as I knew it would never be the same. And pickup truck Ford F150 collided with the car I was a passenger in on my side. I sustained life threatening injuries and was in a coma for a month. By the grace of GOD and prayers by many I pulled through but I can not say the same about the friendship that girls in the car included myself where able to hold on too. There was only one other girl who was critically injured along with me and she is the one who sent me an email a few days ago. I have not spoken or seen her in a little over 9 years. WOW you say I think the same thing. You would think that after all we had to endure together that it would make us thicker than glue but it seems to be the complete opposite with all of us. She opened up too me in the email and she said that she had avoided me for all these years because of the fact that when she looks at me all she see's or think that we have in common is the accident. She also said that she had been dealing with a lot lately and was in an emotional battle. She extended an invitation for me to accompany her this Friday to an therapy session, which she said had been helping her a lot. I think I may just go, it brought up a lot of feeling that I have suppressed for so long that have never been talked about. I am not sure how I feel about her saying that all we have in common is the accident but everyone is entitled to there own opinion and hey this could give us the opportunity to get out those feelings.

Hmmmmmm...time will tell.